Please join the Lodi Winegrape Commission on Tuesday, February 2nd for the 69th Annual Lodi Grape Day celebration! Lodi Grape Day is hosted by University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) and The Lodi Chamber of Commerce’s Agribusiness Committee. The agenda with the full list of speakers has just been released. Lodi Grape Day is FREE to attend and open to everyone thanks to the support of our fantastic sponsors.

Grape Day originated in 1952 and was created by a Lodi Chamber of Commerce Agribusiness Chairman, Calvin Mettler, and UC Davis Extension agent Gordon F. Mitchell to provide the latest information and thinking around grape culture to harvest. For this year’s virtual event and in the absence of a Lodi Viticulture Farm Advisor, Kari Arnold, PhD (UCCE Area Orchard and Vineyard Systems, Stanislaus County) and Kamyar Aram, PhD (UCCE East Bay Specialty Crops Advisor, Alameda, and Contra Costa Counties) will moderate the sessions, which include time for Q&A. Come with your questions!

69th Annual LODI GRAPE DAY

February 2nd, 2021  •  Virtually

1:00-1:05 pm:  WELCOME
Rebecca Towell, Lodi Chamber of Commerce Agribusiness Committee Chair

1:05-1:45 pm:  Glassy-winged Sharpshooter Areawide Management in the San Joaquin Valley (DPR, CCA)
Beth Stone-Smith, California Assistant State Plant Health Director, USDA APHIS PPQ

1:45-2:25 pm:  Vineyard of the Past, Present and Future: How will we Farm? (CCA)
Kaan Kurtural, PhD, Specialist in Cooperative Extension in Viticulture, UC Davis

2:25-2:30 pm:  BREAK

2:30-3:10 pm:  Aspects of Vineyard Weed Management (DPR, CCA)
Anil Shrestha, PhD, Professor of Weed Science, Fresno State University

3:10-3:50 pm:  Grape Smoke Exposure Risk and Mitigation (CCA)
Anita Oberholster, PhD, Specialist in Cooperative Extension in Enology, UC Davis

3:50-4:00 pm:  LWC Viticulture Research, IPM Updates, and Closing Remarks (DPR, CCA)
Stephanie Bolton, PhD, Research & Education Director, Lodi Winegrape Commission


Meeting Credits: 1.5 hrs (DPR- Other), 1 hr (CCA- IPM), and 2 hrs (CCA- CM) approved

Registration (required):  To register, click HERE. You will receive a formal confirmation that includes the Zoom link prior to the event. For programmatic questions or to ask questions for speakers ahead of the event, please contact Kari Arnold, PhD (klarnold@ucanr.edu). For technical assistance, please contact Kellie McFarland with UC-ANR Program Support at 530.750.1361.

Have something interesting to say?  Consider writing a guest blog article!

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To receive Lodi Grower news and event promotions by mail, send your contact information to stephanie@lodiwine.com or call 209.367.4727.

For more information on the wines of Lodi, visit the Lodi Winegrape Commission’s consumer website, lodiwine.com.