CaptureIt’s of utmost importance to keep busy during the winter months, and luckily there are plenty of projects needing labor year-round!


Below is a post-harvest checklist from Paul Verdegaal (San Joaquin County Farm Advisor, UCCE) for 2016:

  1. Irrigation system repairs
  2. Irrigation until rains (If rains stop for extended time, supplemental winter irrigation is helpful; especially if irrigation is timed just before next rain.)
  3. No Nitrogen (Potassium is OK)
  4. Identify weeds
  5. Strip spray winter “wet” spots and/or spot spray perennials or problem areas not yet bolted
  6. Note and mark worst vines for Red Blotch and/or Leafroll
  7. Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program: Update permit and record season Nitrogen data
  8. Review air pollution permit (100 acres contiguous)
  9. Check riparian areas for bird activity (Vine mealybug infestations)
  10. Control gophers, voles, squirrels, rabbits (Owl box cleaning and replacements/relocations)
  11. Contact your local Natural Resources Conservation Services office to learn about financial assistance for conservation efforts

    Photo: Charlie Starr. Leafroll 3 Virus Symptoms.

    Photo: Charlie Starr. Leafroll 3 Virus Symptoms.

Blog articles with detailed information about some of these topics are to follow, as well as Paul’s 2016 Harvest Re-Cap!

Have something interesting to say?  Consider writing a guest blog article!

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For more information on the wines of Lodi, visit the Lodi Winegrape Commission’s consumer website,